Thursday 26 April 2012

yday: an excellent seawatch at splash point from 8:30am-7:45pm recorded the following:

manx shear 20
black tern 6 ( incl. a flock of four which flew high inland)
little tern 36
pom 6
velvet scoter 2 ( pres. same also seen at worthing and dung)
black throated diver 32 (better than poms in sum plum- a close group of 5 was just awesome)
bonxie 155
little gull 187
arctic skua 98

i didnt bother counting gannets or commics. also a presume harbour porpoise still. i even surprised myself staying all day, i tend not to have the patience but yday was different. it had quiet times but birds seemed to arrive in waves whenever there was a distant rain shower out to the west. 60 little gulls went thru at 7:15pm just ahead of a rain front heading inshore . i even managed to beat dung on most species!. many thanks to ron knight for the sandwich!! i was starving. think ive got a few vids so ill upload some soon.

1 comment:

davebodds said...

Is that a record for Bonxies in a day for Sussex ? Bloody amazing, just wish i hadn't had to be at work !