the day started doing the usual lewes brooks, deans farm and then newhaven fort where 5 male wheatears were too good to resist so went back to get the camera. 2 ravens and a sedge warbler were seen there too. i then picked up some tasty grub from middle farm and headed to arlington. immediately there were 5 little gulls just off the dam but before i could scan the res a birder informed me he just found a bonapartes gull. being a little sceptical it was a few anxious seconds as i scanned the water and soon found the bird in question, a nice adult to boot. being the first confirmed bonapartes gull in the county since the pagham 2002 bird (which i missed due to living in oz) it was a pretty nice grip back. in all 38 little gulls were counted and at no point where there ever 60 as reported. also green sand and greenshank there.